Sunday, June 16: Reykjavik, Iceland (BIRK) → Kangerlussuaq, Greenland (BGSF) → Goose Bay, Canada (CYYR) (1,025 + 730 + 870 NM)


After breakfast and another in-depth briefing, we will head for Goose Bay.

Our first technical stop is Kangerlussuaq for lunch and to refuel before taking our final over-water crossing and touching down on the North American continent in Canada for a second technical stop in Goose Bay before flying our separate ways home.


Association Journeys


Basic Page Slider

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World