Wednesday, March 1: Santiago de Chile, Chile (SCEL) → Puerto Montt, Chile (SCTE) → Puerto Natales, Chile (SCNT) → Torres del Paine (495 + 615 NM)


Fly to Puerto Natales. There will be a technical stop in Puerto Montt.

Enjoy beautiful sightseeing along the way while we transfer to the Tierra Patagonia. Located in the furthermost south of Chile, the hotel is surrounded by nature, in splendid isolation, overlooking Lake Sarmiento and the towering peaks of Torres del Paine National Park which was named a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1978.

You will consult with the head guide at the beginning of your stay to select the best excursions for you, taking into account individual interests and fitness levels.


Association Journeys


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Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World

Imagine your Plane
    Anywhere in the World